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AfterUVLayout 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Help more fast and accurate UV layout.In order to layout, rather than the unfold

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/18/2011
File Size: 26.8 KB



Version History

Translated from GOOGLE:

=================== UVlayoutPlus ========================

2011-09-4 by jerryjin 

Usage: UV tools have a lot of points, so that the MEL is not used to sub-UV, UV only to finish in the points after the UV layout to provide assistance.

--------------------------------- Layout + + ------------ --------------------- 

This column can be divided into three blocks by working 

------ Rotation: to select the center point of rotation of UV UVShell: (choose only one UV point oh!)  

Degeree: provides a common point of view  

Angle: display the current value  

Rotate: to perform the rotation 

+-: Can be converted to positive and negative values ??in the Angle  

GetAngle: pick two UV points, press it, you can display the Angle angle between two points. 

------ Mobile:  

X: Y: Value for rapid tired of value addition and subtraction, with the following + - 

Absolute or Relative: absolute, relative value  

GetXY: point coordinates for UV  

Translate by step: Value of the value of step with the test mobile. The middle button switch Shell and UV point 

------ ABCD mode: Press to open the corresponding mode  

H: horizontal mode. A point by point B in the sequence, will be subject to the horizontal AB Shell (note that the A click, another click about B, not for adding) 

V: vertical mode. Above, but change the level of vertical  

A-> B: A move to the B mode. A point of order selection, then select the B point. Will move the center point A to point B at the Shell. 

AB @> AC: AB to CD mode by rotating the order of selection ABCD, with AB define a line, go to the AC angle  

A-> C, AB @> AC: The above two models fit, AB, CD define the two lines, A is the center of mobile C, AB and CD of one to point to. 

--------------------------------- Average UV ---------------------------------

Pin Min and Max UVS: choose a UV, the hook on it, will live in two of the Pin UV, upper left and lower right first question is clear.  

The button below to see the icon to know, the difference is added for the rotation angle changes.  

AvgU: horizontal distribution of UV-point average  

AvgV: vertical distribution of UV-point average  

Auto: If selected for a condition, and no UV staggered distribution, directly by the 

--------------------------------- Help ---------------------------------  

Add ShelfButton: In the current tools with the start button to create a UVlayoutPlus  

Video tutor YouKu: video tutorial YouKu  

Video tutor YouTube: YouTube video tutorial  

Image & Text tutor CSDN ": graphic tutorial CSDN 

===================================== UVlayoutPlus ==================================