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ABCshelf 2.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

ultimate shelf/companion for Maya 2012

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/10/2012
File Size: 6.33 MB

Feature Request


Submitted by:ivguerrero ivguerrero
Would be nice if you actually thanked or gave credit to those of us that wrote those scripts you're using ( I wrote the particle kill field). I don't mind that you use it, but at least acknowledge who made them and where you go it from. That's all. Thanks

Comments on this feature request:

  • kazidamui

    kazidamui said over 11 years ago:

    Just want to precise that all of the scripts sources/credits are referenced in the documentation. Second line in the description, in upper-case. Don't know if you saw that... But I think you're completely right, I should just post an exhaustive list of all the names right on the first page. I don't want to piss anyone off :) I just figured nobody would read such a huge list and that it was better that people can see the credits when they look at how things work... sort of forcing them to see it... haha Especially since you guys are detailing way more than me the usage of your respective scripts (done on purpose). Finally, that's also why I wrote that : "This shelf is a compilation of scripts and tools I've found online,that friends made and others that I made." Maybe it should be the first line...

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