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prAttractNode 0.9.4 for Maya (maya plugin)

Deformer that attracts mesh vertices to curve/nurbs/polymesh

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Linux
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  • Windows


Last Modified:04/29/2014
File Size: 114 KB


maya, deformer, attract, C++

Feature Request

Sticky lips tutorial request

Submitted by:tristratos tristratos
Would it have been possibly to provide a simple but yet explanatory tutorial as to how to apply this nice script to a sticky lips face example as shown in the very first frames of the video? I only managed to attract the whole face to a plane or spline curve to a polygon face lips position. How do I limit that to lips area only and how this area is affacted from inside out ?? PLEASE HELP

Comments on this feature request:

  • parzival roethlein

    parzival roethlein said about 13 years ago:

    Hello, I try to write the steps here. I will refer to the video you mentioned a few times ( See the Vimeo video description for more details. 1. Smooth bind a polygon stripe between head and jaw joint (so it stays between the lips) 2. Apply the deformer as shown in the video 0:49 - 1:00 "createPrAttractNode" 3. Remove vertices by painting weights or using edit membership tool. As shown at the end of the video 1:01 - 1:09 If you still have questions let me know. Regards, Parzival

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