It's composed of a context that allows you to draw and a locator that
it save all data the scene, so you can close and open your scene without
lost any draw.
- Copy GPencilTool.mll int he maya plugins' folder (maya/bin/plug-ins)
- Copy GPencilProperties.mel and GPencilValues.mel in you script folder
- Copy GPencil.xpm in icons folder (Documentsmaya8.5prefsicons)
- copy glu32.dll in /windows/system32 or in you maya_plugins folder
To initialize the GPencil Tool execute the follow mel command:
GPencilToolContext GPencilToolContext1;
setToolTo GPencilToolContext1;
string $listContext[] = `lsUI -contexts `;
int $i=0;
int $GPencilexist = 0;
$GPencilexist = 1;
GPencilToolContext GPencilToolContext1;
setToolTo GPencilToolContext1;
- Draw: It shows or hides the picture drawn;
- Brush Size;
- Brush Color;
- Brush Opacity;
- Global Brush Opacity;
- Onion Frame;
- Life: Stroke's life (frame)
Left Mouse Button: Draw
Center Mouse Button: Delete
Update 0.1.1 version:
Added plugin for maya 8.5 64bit and 2009 64bit (Windows)
(Soon maya 2008 64bit and linux maya 2008-2009)
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