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Character Primitives Plug-in for Maya 2010 (32- bit and 64-bit versions) 1.1.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

Three types of character primitives: child/cartoon, realistic man, and monster proportioned character models. This plug-in is to make it easier for character modelers to get started. The models have the correct proportions and extra geometry in useful places around the face and joints.

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  • 2010

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/07/2010
File Size: 135 KB


Modul not found

Submitted byLoki Farbaute Loki Farbaute
Something's not right here...I placed the for MEL script in My Documents\maya\scripts folder....then I start up Maya, open the plug-in manager, load polyCharPrimitiveCmd.mll and I get an error saying that the modul is not found!

Either im doing something wrong or there's a bug here

Comments on this bug:

  • Michael Lucas

    Michael Lucas said over 14 years ago:

    It worked for me. Are you using 64-bit Maya? This plug-in is only for 32-bit Maya. We're going to load a 64-bit version within a couple days, but for now the plug-in only works for 32-bit Maya.
  • Michael Lucas

    Michael Lucas said over 14 years ago:

    It could also be that your script paths are not setup correctly. Look up"Setting environment variables using Maya.env" in your Maya/help.
  • Loki Farbaute

    Loki Farbaute said over 14 years ago:

    I tried to look at the Setting environment variables using maya .env...i'm not excactly sure what im supposed to write in the .env file, perhaps you could me out here ps.: im using 32 bit version of maya
  • Michael Lucas

    Michael Lucas said over 14 years ago:

    There are other scripts folders that should work as well. Try: My Documents\maya\2010\scripts and C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\scripts Remember that there are FOUR MEL scripts that need to be moved. You used a singular "MEL script" above that indicates you didn't move all four scripts. These are the four MEL scripts: polyCharPrimitiveCmd.mel polyCharPrimitiveCreateUI.mel polyCharPrimitiveDeleteUI.mel polyCharPrimitiveWindow.mel Let me know if it still doesn't work. Was this the actual error: Error: Cannot find procedure "polyCharPrimitiveCreateUI" ? If not, could you cut and paste the exact error you're getting?
  • Loki Farbaute

    Loki Farbaute said over 14 years ago:

    I did move all four MEL scripts, I'¨ve tried and move them to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\scripts and My Documents\maya\2010\scripts. The error i'm getting is: Error: The specified module could not be found.
  • Michael Lucas

    Michael Lucas said over 14 years ago:

    Hi Loki, Sorry - I just now saw that you had replied to my last comment. I can't duplicate your error. Try copying the polyCharPrimitive.mll file to the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\plug-ins folder before loading it into your plug-in manager. Maybe you could email me a couple screenshots: (1) with the error; (2) with the plug-in manager browser open to the .mll file. That would help me diagnose the error.

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