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arbitrary displacement 0.9.0 for Maya

mental ray shader bending normal for displacement

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  • 7.x


Last Modified:07/31/2007
File Size: 22.5 KB

descript of parameters :

bentfactor (scalar type): this is the factor that the normal is bent by in U direction . (you can connect a map here .)

rollfactor (scalar type): this is the factor that the normal is bent by in V direction . (you can connect a map here .)

displacementvalue (color type): where to be displaced . (usually a map be connected here to control the shape .)

displacementdepth (scalar type): amount the the displacement be .( you can connect a map here, but not usually.)

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=============== tutorial 1 =====================

1. create a nurbs plane .

2. freeze the transformations after modifying it .

( the transformations should be freezed , because if the three scale values are different the normal will be scaled non-uniformly and the appearance will be very strange )

3. turn on the "Feature displacement " , and set the "Bounding box scale" to reasonable ones that can contain the geometry after being displaced .

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4. create the shading network as the image showing , and assign the blinn shader to the plane .

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5. change the renderer to Mental Ray , and render . The result will be looked as this :

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===================== tutorial 2 ===============================

1. create a plane .

2. freeze the transformations .

3. create the shading network as this , and assign the blinn shader to the plane :

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4. change the render to MR , and render, you will get this :

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5. this is bad because we don't change the bounding box scale . So we increase the values then render :

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yes , we get what we want , that is normal of different part has been bent to different direction .

that is fun , isn't it .

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