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STAR WARS: BB-8 rig 4.0.0 for Maya

BB-8 V4.0.0 can change textures

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  • 2017

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/15/2017
File Size: 9.47 MB


Rig, free rig, maya, starwars

This is purely fan art intended for animation practice.
Rig Features:
  • Contains the same features as BB-8 V2.0.0 and V3.0.0 and more.
  • Lights are now adjusted in Channel Box Editor rather than onscreen Slider/Expression Controls
  • BB-8s caps/patterns can now indivdually rotate.
  • BB-8s head is now split into two pieces and can rotate in two different directions.
  • A reference locator has been added in order to place BB-8s animation in different locations when needed.
  • BB-8 can now change up to 4 different textures: Eight, Marvel, Dark Side and Tron (uses node editing and image sequence.
  • Layer Editor improved.
  • BB-8s Antennas now has extra blendshapes to crinkle and shrink/extend Antenna length
  • Deleting History will remove Skin Cluster from BB-8s Antennas, therefore Delete Non-Deformer History is recommended.
  • Turning off the visibility of the controls in the Layer Editor will make objects disappear in a scene when rendered. Therefore make sure all visibility is on before rendering a scene.
  • Scrubbing through the timeline with textures on is very slow. Therefore when animating, it is recommended to animate with textures turned off.
  • If some textures don't show, it might be a file path issue, therefore go to Window> General Editors> File Path Editor> (and then Repath Files)
  • Limited Squash and Stretch. You may need to double click on the Scale Tool and under the settings change it to "object"

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  • muhammadxon