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skybotX 1.0.0 for Maya


Button download


  • 2011

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/30/2012
File Size: 9.57 MB



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  • senthil23051987 senthil kumar

    senthil23051987 senthil kumar said about 13 years ago:

    hi warren, Thanks for downloading my character and your comments. Here is the solution for MR Left corner u can find (body) control,under I gave attributes called controls.Just switch it on and render it will work. If u don't mind send 2 me your animation work or link ,i would like to see my character in motion. Thanks Happy animating
  • Warren Riparip

    Warren Riparip said about 13 years ago:

    hello senthil the design and controls are awesome. It works well The problem that i was having was rendering it with mental ray. Some parts like the head would go invisible... It would be good to check it out also I'm going to try to seek the problem thanks
  • Jerzy Perez

    Jerzy Perez said about 13 years ago:

    hey senthil! When I download the file it seems to have problems because I cant watch the video and I cant open the .ma file in my Maya 2011... I think you should check it out! thanks! j.

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