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MirrorShapes 1.0.0 for Maya

The script allows you to create mirrors from your Blendshapes, even for different geometries, which could be the case of a character with symmetric arms that are separate geometries.

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/10/2012
File Size: 1.39 KB


blends, blendshapes

Script created by Antonio Méndez



The script allows you to create mirrors from your Blendshapes, even for different geometries, which could be the case of a character with symmetric arms that are separate geometries.



Copy the file named “MEL” into Maya’s Scripts folder and execute with the command “source MirrorShapes.mel” in the ScriptEditor. It would be advisable to create a button in Maya’s shelf so as to make it more accessible.


How to use it:


If the mirror is on the same object:


  1. Select the base geometry and click on “Base Geo.”
  2. Select the BlendShape’s geometry and click on “Blend Geo.”
  3. Click on “Mirror Blend” to create the blend’s mirror.


If the mirror is on different geometries:


  1. Select the base geometry and click on “Base Geo”.
  2. Select the BlendShape’s geometry and click on “Blend Geo”.
  3. Select the base geometry of the opposite side and click on “Base Mirror Geo.”
  4. Click on “Mirror Blend” to create the blend’s mirror.

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