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lhSkateboard 5.0.0 for Maya

Robust new skateboard rig for character animation

Button download


  • 2017

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/07/2018
File Size: 8.86 MB


Rig, animation, maya

I felt like animating a kickflip a few months ago, and after checking out a few of the available free options online, opted to build my own from scratch. I packed it with as many features as I could think of :)
Fun Features:
- wheels auto-spin along ground (even when making turns)
- board rock, tilt, and spin along proper axes/pivot points
- expressions to add automated "jitter" animation to the board & wheels
- trucks automatically flex when board banks left or right
- option to pivot from either front or back trucks
- soft deformation controls on nose, tail, and mid-board
- entire rig scaleable
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post here or reach out at I am not working on this full-time but I always value feedback, plus there's always the possibility that I'll find time in the future to release an update.
This rig was created in Maya 2017 so that's the only version I can vouch for, however, I expect (read: hope) it works just fine in most newer versions of Maya.

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