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Johnny The Box 2.0.0 for Maya

A character in the shape of a cube, with squash.

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  • 2008


Last Modified:04/15/2011
File Size: 703 KB

Feature Request

Pivoting on it´s tips

Submitted by:brazz brazz
Hey there. Nice rig man, quite fun to work on. My only request is the ability to rotate on it´s corners. I have to frame by frame pretty much in order for it to roll like a box do, falling on it´s side. basically I would like a way to change the pivot of the main control, so I could tip the box from any corner. thanks

Comments on this feature request:

  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said almost 14 years ago:

    Hey Brazz, That's in the works for the next release. It's been requested quite a lot now. I will definitely look into a way of implementing that. Though, I work on this in my free time, so I'll try to get the next version out as soon as I can. :)

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