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Jeeves 1.0.2 for Maya

A simple bipedal Droid Rig

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/26/2012
File Size: 5.74 MB


Simple Biped

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  • Thomas Brecheisen

    Thomas Brecheisen said over 12 years ago:

    Great model, but I had that issue with the feet, but was still able to do something with him. I did a small short with your model and it's coming out nicely. I want to give you credit for it, so can you please give me the info you want me to use. Of course I did the short as a non profit gig, mostly to demonstrate my production and post production chops, or else I'd give you a chunk of the takings, but sadly there are non yet. BUT, I used an incomplete version for my grad application portfolio to AAU and when I'm done I'd like to put it up on my Vimeo, but I want get your info so I can credit you appropriately. Thanks!! T You can see my reel, which included your model, at
  • story2rewrite

    story2rewrite said over 12 years ago:

    Thanks for the model. I'm new to rigging, modeling and animation so I was looking for something pre-assembled to practice on. Here's a clip of what I did if you want to check it out... Thanks for sharing.

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