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Horse Rig 1.0.0 for Maya

Horse Rig is full quadruped rig

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  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/03/2012
File Size: 808 KB


Re-applying the Hypershade:

Submitted by: BettyBoop28 BettyBoop28
Re-applying the Hypershade:  How do I re-apply the shaders that are already in the Hypershade?  I also want to appologize to Amit Das again for my reporting a bug without thinking.  My bad.  Now I don't know how to remove the bug report.

Replies to this question:

  • Amit Das

    Amit Das said over 11 years ago:

    The colors which you see on the horse are simple lambert material but still if u want to re-apply any shader click on to an object (where u want to apply shader) and click on to the shader right click on them and there will be an option called " Assign material to selection " just click to this option and the shader will be applied to that object and to see whether shaders are working or not press 6 on your number pad. I hope i have been able to solve your problem. Thanks
  • Replyindent

    BettyBoop28 said over 11 years ago:

    The texture files did not come with the download. All I got was an maya file. I want to thank you again for sharing.
  • Amit Das

    Amit Das said over 11 years ago:

    Thanks for sharing your problem , well there are no shaders in the rig file all i did was i applied a simple lambert material and the used the color white so u can also reassign any shader u want. Thanks & Regards

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