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Free Renamon Character Rig V.0 1.0.1 for Maya

Renamon Character Rig V1

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x


Last Modified:03/10/2012
File Size: 701 KB



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  • Steven Dean

    Steven Dean said about 10 years ago:

    i love this model, its one of my favorite ones to use. but when I downloaded it the rig wasn't there so I had to put bones in myself and paint the weights cause I don't know how to make a proper rig. If you could fix that id be very appreciative. Other than that its absolutely amazing, made well and textured carefully
  • Winter_maiden

    Winter_maiden said over 10 years ago:

    I hope you could include the maya file. I would like to use this for practicing animation. :D please.
  • andip586

    andip586 said over 11 years ago:

    can you add the ma file? there is none. i would love to use it though.
  • Mitali  p

    Mitali p said over 15 years ago:

    Great rig! looks appealing, light on maya and simple controls, although in the beggining had a few Maya crashes but that can be avoided by working in the shaded mode [no texture] just on the texture while rendering.. had a blast animating it Thanks Ryokukitsune~ ^_^
  • Aetherius

    Aetherius said over 15 years ago:

    You say she is a fox 'anthro' but she is really a fox 'monster', I don't understand why people muddle that up quite a lot.

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