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Caveman 0.1.0 for Maya

Free character rig!

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/15/2012
File Size: 6.95 MB


Rig, free rig

My name is Austin Broder. I'm an animation student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. I've always had a passion for rigging, so when it came time to animate, creating a character wasn't an issue for me. However, I would see my friends wrestling with the rigs they made instead of focusing on animation. This has driven me to create characters to release to the public, giving animators even more characters to work with. 

So I present my buddy CAVEMAN. This is based on a concept drawing by Sarah Mensinga, which I then modeled, textured, and rigged. I've tried to keep controls as intuitive as possible, but if there are any suggestions, bugs, or ideas you have feel free to PM them to me.

 I've worked very hard on this guy and I'd like to continue making more free-to-download characters, however as I'm coming closer to graduation (December) money is becoming a limiting factor. I would HUGELY appreciate any and all donations. EMAIL ME A CHARACTER IDEA/SKETCH WITH YOUR DONATION AND I'LL DO A RAFFLE FOR WHAT THE NEXT CHARACTER WILL BE.

Some of the features of this rig include:

  • IK/FK Switch for the Arms/Back
  • Stretchy/Bendy Arms and Legs
  • Dynamic beard, cloth sim/bind versions of loincloth available via switch on Main control
  • Space switching (Pole vectors, controls, eye aim)
  • Prop club with parent attributes to either hand
  • Fully articulatable facial controls. Face GUI allows for pre-modeled shapes, also allows for more specific face controls.
  • Selection script included

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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