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Rename Tool 2.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

3ds Max's rename tool for Maya

Button download


  • 2022, 2021

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/12/2021
File Size: 9.57 KB


Where should I paste the path?

Submitted by: Ozisun Ozisun
I have tried several times according the description saying " Paste it on the line number 34 BETWEEN the '' marks..... (_UI_FILE = '') " But It's still not work, can you give me a clearly place? Thanks a lot!

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    Mohammad Farjamfard

    Mohammad Farjamfard said over 11 years ago:

    If you've tried as what the description says, on the line number 34 between the " " marks, then I assume there is another problem with your installation. You should give me some clues like what Maya says when you run the script, for example look at the terminal or command line when run it and copy/paste the exact error message if there is any. There shouldn't be any problem if you've followed the description exactly so it may be a operation system problem or something like that!

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