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Maya Character Development kit 4.3.0 for Maya (maya script)

Character Development Kit (cdk).

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Linux
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Last Modified:07/07/2016
File Size: 640 KB


Issue when generating rig

Submitted by: Super Duper Super Duper
Hey When i click "Generate rig" after having generated the reminder of the skeleton I get this in the dialogue box:

(ValueError(u'No object matches name: left_thumb02_skn_ctrl_offset',), ' error in advance finger setup...')

cdk rig generated Successfully..

I did remove a few bones from the default skeleton that's generated, since it had too many bones compared to what i needed for the fingers (and the ears). I'm assuming it could be related to that ?

Even though the rig mostly works, it kinda drops creating the rest it seems, so one hand + a bit is left unrigged.

I will say that other than that issue, the tools seem really awesome. Was pleasently surprised when they actually just worked after following the install instructions.

Anyways, hope a lot you can give me a hand with this problem. Thanks.

Replies to this question:

  • Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav said almost 9 years ago:

    Try generating rig by clicking on generate old finger rig check box.
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    Super Duper

    Super Duper said almost 9 years ago:

    [quote=nilesh-jadhav]Try generating rig by clicking on generate old finger rig check box.[/quote] Thanks a lot for the speedy reply. Unfortunately it didn't work. Same issue. This time the error messege was as follows: "No object matches name: left_thumb02_skn_ctrl_offset cdk rig generated Successfully.."
  • Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav said almost 9 years ago:

    May be you can send me ur skeleton file to me for check !!!. (only joints no geometry needed)
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    Super Duper

    Super Duper said almost 9 years ago:

    I kind of solved it, by just re-doing the whole setup and keeping all the original joints this time, adding that additional point for each finger. Thanks for the assistance though :)

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