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Circulator 1.0.4 for Maya (maya script)

Creates a prefect circle from the current component selection.

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/05/2017
File Size: 5.08 KB




Any plans for more features?

Submitted by: klaLads klaLads

 I tried this one and indeed works so i am curious if you have plans to add more features and make it more robust? 

Features like:
1. Make multiple circles at once (from multiple selections)
2. Slider to interactivelly adjust circle(s) radius
3. Perhaps adding division options by dividing edges (this one would make ngons indeed but when doing "dirty" concept modeling with booleans it is very usefull and quick since otherwise you have to: 1. make circe, 2. select the circle edges, 3. divide using Edit Mesh > Add Divisions 4. again apply Circulator to make perfect circle. )  

Basically all features this script has > MX_Roundish > ..that would be cool. ;)

Replies to this question:

  • gemous

    gemous said about 9 years ago:

    Wow, that's a pretty comprehensive tool, would love to develop my script to be that diverse. I plan on adding an option to 'stick to the surface', same as the mx_roundish tool. As for the rest of the options, nothing at this point in time due to work and time constraints, but we'll see what the future holds. :)
  • Replyindent

    klaLads said about 9 years ago:

    Yes it is quite comprehensive and perhaps the best one out there for making circles so keep that one as inspiration for Circulator. As for me I wouldn't mind even if you put some small price on it if it has features as mx_roundish. Cool then, as long as you keep working on it, it's fine. There has been few these kind of scripts for Maya but always very simple and with lots of limitations then after a while abandoned and removed. Now i use some ancient one that i guess is just a matter of time when it will not work anymore. I hope you will keep working on it and updating it. ;)
  • myara

    myara said about 9 years ago:

    You could workaround the 2014 limitation with a convert to edge perimeters function like the one included in the Bonus Tools: global proc bt_convertSelectionToPerimeterEdges() { $origFaces = `ls -sl`; ConvertSelectionToEdges; $allEdges = `ls -sl`; select -r $origFaces; ConvertSelectionToContainedEdges; $innerEdges = `ls -sl`; select -r $allEdges; select -d $innerEdges; }

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