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daynamic grass field creation with paintFX  *VIDEO*
daynamic grass field creation with paintFX *VIDEO*
aviad van-prach, updated 2009-12-08 06:54:35 UTC 43,709 views  Rating:
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Hey All,
first of all just to clear it out, the thumnail are not the final render  resoult of the tutorial.
in this video tutorial ill show how to creat a daynamic grass field in very easy and fast way, with the help with the paint effect option in maya.
ill not gona show all the option or all the kind of brushes in paint effect, but with this lesson you'll have the basic knoledge to start your own paint fx scenes by yourself
i'll show bit of how and where to find the option of paint  effect, how to paint on a surfaces, how to add a shadows, how to choose brushes and some but of the dynamic option of the brushes ,like forces and animation

Thanks for watching

Aviad Van-Prach 09
all rights reserved to the creator 2009