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Clone (Very Old)
Clone (Very Old)
Shakey Jake, added 2014-03-22 20:34:29 UTC 12,721 views  Rating:
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I have seen YouTube videos of the clone effect with post dates up to 5 years ago!
And as always zero done in Shake. Oodles in Photoshop and FCP.
I found the way to do it in Shake based on pgs. 788-793 of the Shake 4 User Manual. It can still be found here
To type step by the step the same instructions that are on pgs. 788-793 would let's say be redundant.
Here are screen shots of the tree. The photos used in Shake are screen shots from the actual PS Tut found on YouTube
The completed shot next to the Shake tree was from the PS tut and used as reference