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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB


Unable to Install/Path Doesn't Exist

Submitted by: Migizi Migizi
I'm working on a Mac and it will not install. It asks to place files in the following pathway


No such pathway exists on my computer. The only pathway that is similar (but doesn't work) is

MacintoshHD/Library/Preferences/ [no Autodesk file exists here] 

Is there a way to change the pathway that Maya is trying to access to activate the Modular? I know very little about scripts and/or pathways, so I've tried all avenues I can think of, and none have none left to try.


Replies to this question:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 10 years ago:

    Hi Nate, The path does exist, but it has been hidden in later releases of OSX. Depending on the version, there are different methods to reveal it. So I recommend doing a google search for "show Library folder" plus the version of OSX you are on. Hope that helps, -Dustin

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