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"Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig 2.3.8 for Maya (maya script)

This is a tool that will set up a customizable rig for a bipedal character

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Last Modified:12/10/2022
File Size: 132 KB


fk, autorig, auto-rig, Rig, maya



Submitted by: siditty45 siditty45
I used the exe file to install yet it is not visible in maya, and seeing as I paid thought I´d atleast get a txt file on how to install. 

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    Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi, In regards to your installation question, in the first tutorial video posted in the "Description" tab, I explain how to install the files, and how to view the text in the .mel file for installation instructions. You can open a .mel file in a text editor like wordpad/notepad/texteditor or most IDE's. You should not have received a .exe file with your purchase. To rig your character, you need to set up your proxy rig, then move the proxies to fit your character, as shown in the second tutorial video. In the third video, you will see how to create the final rig and then skin your character geometry to the joints of the rig. Currently, Rapid Rig is not intended for quadrupeds. I am working on a modular rigging system which will allow the user to create quadruped rigs among many other character types. Dustin
  • timkov mikhail

    timkov mikhail said almost 12 years ago:

    INSTRUCTIONS: 1. INSTALLATION ON A MAC: Put the script RapidRig_Advanced_V2.mel in the following path: Users/YourUser/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/ ON A PC: Put the script RapidRig_Advanced_V2.mel in the following path: C:/Users/YourUser/Documents/maya/scripts/ 2. START UP MAYA, ENTER THE FOLLOWING COMMAND INTO THE COMMAND LINE OR THE SCRIPT EDITOR: RapidRig_Advanced_V2 3. TO HAVE EASY ACCESS TO SCRIPT, CREATE A SHELF BUTTON WITH ONLY THAT COMMAND. EVERY TIME YOU HIT THE BUTTON, THE RAPID RIG INTERFACE WILL POP UP. HAPPY ANIMATING!
  • siditty45

    siditty45 said almost 12 years ago:

    I looked at all 6 lessons but saw nothing on how to add the bones to my mesh that has previously been created. Like adjust the skeleton to fit my character, then merge the two. is this possible? and can I do a 4 leged animal with this rig? thanks
  • loopon .

    loopon . said almost 12 years ago:

    hi! i bought rapid rig and rapid pose and i would like to install them both. (i use maya 2010 64 bit under pc, windows 7 ultimate 64 bit). first try: i installed the rapid rig - data in this folder "C:/Users/YourUser/Documents/maya/scripts/ ". i launched maya. i opened in maya the script editor and typed in under the mel-tab: "RapidRig_Advanced_V2" i highlighted it and pressed return.... nothing is happening. second try: i installed the rapid rig - data in this folder "C:/Users/YourUser/Documents/maya/2010-x64/scripts/ " (this is the place, where my oher plugs are placed in folders). i launched maya. i opened in maya the script editor and typed in under the mel-tab: "RapidRig_Advanced_V2" i highlighted it and pressed return.... nothing is happening again. can you please tell me: where is my mistake? thanks for your answer! regards loopon
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said almost 12 years ago:

    If that path doesn't work, you can use the following command in your script editor to find the directory that Maya is looking for the script: //Start internalVar -usd; //End This should spit out the directory in your script editor. Dustin

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