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FREE Slap On Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Rig any bipedal character in minutes... for FREE!

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  • 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/31/2018
File Size: 13.6 MB


Feet / Legs Stretchy IK - need to disable

Submitted by: davidtouring davidtouring

I have a need to keep IK enabled on the legs / feet of a game character.  This character will be under user control and will frequently be jumping.  IK/FK blending can be used to produce the required animation but the result is brittle and is unable to tolerate changes in timing (user can make variable height jumps).

My experiments with the Free version of the Slap on Rig  (featuring Trixxie) made Slap On Rig look like a perfect solution.  The stretchy feet could be turned completely off while IK is active, plus the fantastic feet controls result in a perfect rig for my needs.

I've just purchased Slap On Rig and have applied the rig to the Sam mesh. The Stretchy option on the feet changes how the stretch is distributed along the leg but the feet never leave the floor when the pelvis is elevated.  This behavior differs from the free version in which the stretch can be completely disabled.

Is there anything I can do to completely disable the stretch with IK?


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