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Copy/mirror deformer weights 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This script allows you to copy/mirror deformers' weights from one object to another or within one mesh. Very easy to use.

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Last Modified:10/27/2021
File Size: 1.96 KB


Doesn't recognize deformers

Submitted by: ShuiYue ShuiYue
I am using maya 2014, I have added the script from a python tab in the script editor.  When I run the script and spesify the clusters I am using but I get an error message saying # Error: 'Source deformer' and 'Destination deformer' must be deformers #

I tried it on a fresh mesh and new clusters, It did not work. 

Help Please? 

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    Alexander Zagoruyko

    Alexander Zagoruyko said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, you should specify a deformer itself not a transform. So you need to enter "cluster1" (for example) instead of "clusterHandle1". Error: 'Source deformer' and 'Destination deformer' must be deformers # This error means that you have entered not deformers, but their transforms. Thanks for using my scripts!
  • ShuiYue

    ShuiYue said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks, Its working now! I bring in the name of my cluster and add "Cluster" at the end of it. i.e. 'cl_l_mid_lowLid_01' >> 'cl_l_mid_lowLid_01Cluster'

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