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Scratched & dusty metallic paint shader, MR Maya 1.0.0 for Maya

Scratched & dusty metallic paint shader, MR Maya

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  • 2009, 2008


Last Modified:07/24/2009
File Size: 5.59 KB


Not Built?!

Submitted by: Cameo22 Cameo22

This shader comes in about 5 pieces and there is no explaination of how to put it together. Can you either finish building it or tell us how to please?


Replies to this question:

  • flukve

    flukve said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, i uploaded the shader in 2009 but it should still work, i agree that the text-file could have so more info in it, anyways: 1. You have your 3D object. 2. Import the shader scene. 3. Assign the shader "metallic_paint_shader" to your object. 4. Use sun and sky, or a HDRI-image as an environment. 5. Render with mental ray. Should work for you.
  • Replyindent

    Indicterion said over 10 years ago:

    Hi flukve, It may be the case that this shader is now very outdated but your recent proposed solution doesn't appear to work either. Attached is a screenshot testing the 'metallic_paint_shader' out and it's still missing the dust, scratches and lacquered effects shown in your uploaded image. It seems to just include a fractal pattern over the top of the mia_material blue. As Cameo pointed out, it does come in several parts with the 'dust' and 'lacquer' shaders separated from the overall paint shader. Do they have to be combined in a certain way or is it simply the case that it's not being loaded properly by the more recent versions of Maya?

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