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Clever Keys 1.0.5 for Maya (maya script)

Insert keys on selected channels and objects.

Button download


  • 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/24/2012
File Size: 10.9 KB


keying, tangents


Help :)

Submitted by: bluder_ bluder_
Hello, i really like the idea of clever key but i'm stuck and can't get it to work. i've done everything exept the hotkey thing.

so i made my own custom key and i added "python("cleverKeys.setKey()");" but when i try to use the the 's' key i get this "# Error: NameError: name 'python' is not defined #"

i'm not even sure if this is the way to do it properly or am i suppose to find cleverkey in the hotkey editor and then just re map it to 's'? because i have't found it.

i'm useing maya 2012 x64. 

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    jordan hueckstaedt

    jordan hueckstaedt said about 13 years ago:

    Hi bluder. I'm glad you're interested in my script! And I'm sorry you're having difficulties installing it. Clever Keys is a python script, but I listed the hotkey commands in mel, since hotkeys are mel by default (and I believe older versions of Maya have had trouble with python hotkeys). I should have made it clear in the write up which language they were in. It looks like you've beat me at my own game and tried to make a python hotkey. Don't worry, you're on the right track! So you can do one of two things. You can either edit your hotkey type to mel, or you can get rid of the "python("");" bit in each line. So for example, python("cleverKeys.setKey()"); would become: cleverKeys.setKey() Good luck!
  • bluder_

    bluder_ said about 13 years ago:

    Awesome, it works! thanks for taking the time to help me, I'm clueless when it comes to mel and python =)

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