mihajlo miskarovski
mihajlo miskarovski added Ninja Dojo (Grand Master) w/Ninja City & Ninja Forge for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:47:05 UTC
Ninja Dojo scripts with Ninja City (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Shelf Separator for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:44:42 UTC
This script gives you the ability to create colorful separators in the current shelf tab. (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Object Colors for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:43:31 UTC
Assign materials and wireframe colors to scene objects (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Maya Search Commands for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:42:51 UTC
Search through all of Maya's menu bar commands. (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Maya Icons for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:41:49 UTC
Display Maya Icons (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added OBJ[I/O] - OBJ Sequences Import/Export for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:40:57 UTC
This tool helps importing and exporting OBJ sequences and single OBJs (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Create Node for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:40:09 UTC
Create Node UI (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Scene Tools for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:37:26 UTC
Modeless Maya File Browser and custom Open Scene Dialog with scene thumbnails and note display. Tools for dealing with playblasts, references and m... (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added Hold-Fetch for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:28:38 UTC
This Script will create an easily and fast reachable menu to hold(save) and fetch(load) up to 3 different files (for example temporarily)... (more)
mihajlo miskarovski added zhcg_renamePro for maya for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-05-14 14:27:39 UTC
Python scripts for quick rename objects in maya. (more)