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Pier Paolo Ciarravano

  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano reported a bug on LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 for Maya Report 2013-10-14 19:53:53 UTC

    LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 1.1.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

    Bad perfomance with big meshes

    When the meshes are imported from Maya, use:<br /><br /> <pre><span style="font-family: 'courier new', courier;">int numTriangles = 0;</span></pre... (more)

  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano added a feature request to LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 for Maya Report 2013-10-13 20:46:04 UTC

    LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 1.1.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

    Improvements in next release

    -Parameter to specify the Delaunay triangulation criteria -Parameter to switch off the Delaunay triangulation -Performance improvements for big t... (more)

  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano submitted the file LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 for Maya Report 2013-09-09 13:47:11 UTC

    LarmorVoronoi Plugin for Maya 2012-2013-2014 1.1.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

    LarmorVoronoi is a Voronoi Shatter Plug-in in C++ for Maya (more)

  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano updated a video in their portfolio Report 2013-09-08 19:28:19 UTC

    -The project implements a Voronoi shatter of non-convex closed triangles meshes using C++ and CGAL -The shatter uses the Voronoi brute force algorithm -The cut faces are rebuilt using the Constrained Delaunay triangulation -The triangles mesh can contain holes and cavities with nested objects -The algorithm can separate the disjointed surfaces -The C++ API can calculate the mesh's volume and the inertia tensor using the volume 3D Triangulation -The algorithm has been applied to BulletPhysics to shatter the objects on the collision points -I have been created: an API for the dynamic objects description, an OpenGL scene viewer and a RenderMan RIB scene generator with motion blur -The RenderMan RIB scenes have been rendered using 3Delight with motion blur -BulletPhysics btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm class has been modified to handle the collisions for non-convex triangle meshes The Larmor-Physx project is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License Google code project's page and source repository:


  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano updated a video in their portfolio Report 2013-09-08 19:24:56 UTC

    -The project implements a Voronoi shatter of non-convex closed triangles meshes using C++ and CGAL -The shatter uses the Voronoi brute force algorithm -The cut faces are rebuilt using the Constrained Delaunay triangulation -The triangles mesh can contain holes and cavities with nested objects -The algorithm can separate the disjointed surfaces -The C++ API can calculate the mesh's volume and the inertia tensor using the volume 3D Triangulation -The algorithm has been applied to BulletPhysics to shatter the objects on the collision points -I have been created: an API for the dynamic objects description, an OpenGL scene viewer and a RenderMan RIB scene generator with motion blur -The RenderMan RIB scenes have been rendered using 3Delight with motion blur -BulletPhysics btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm class has been modified to handle the collisions for non-convex triangle meshes The Larmor-Physx project is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License Google code project's page and source repository:


  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano updated a video in their portfolio Report 2013-09-08 19:24:55 UTC

    -The project implements a Voronoi shatter of non-convex closed triangles meshes using C++ and CGAL -The shatter uses the Voronoi brute force algorithm -The cut faces are rebuilt using the Constrained Delaunay triangulation -The triangles mesh can contain holes and cavities with nested objects -The algorithm can separate the disjointed surfaces -The C++ API can calculate the mesh's volume and the inertia tensor using the volume 3D Triangulation -The algorithm has been applied to BulletPhysics to shatter the objects on the collision points -I have been created: an API for the dynamic objects description, an OpenGL scene viewer and a RenderMan RIB scene generator with motion blur -The RenderMan RIB scenes have been rendered using 3Delight with motion blur -BulletPhysics btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm class has been modified to handle the collisions for non-convex triangle meshes The Larmor-Physx project is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License Google code project's page and source repository:


  • Pier Paolo Ciarravano

    Pier Paolo Ciarravano added a video to their portfolio Report 2013-09-08 19:24:55 UTC

    -The project implements a Voronoi shatter of non-convex closed triangles meshes using C++ and CGAL -The shatter uses the Voronoi brute force algorithm -The cut faces are rebuilt using the Constrained Delaunay triangulation -The triangles mesh can contain holes and cavities with nested objects -The algorithm can separate the disjointed surfaces -The C++ API can calculate the mesh's volume and the inertia tensor using the volume 3D Triangulation -The algorithm has been applied to BulletPhysics to shatter the objects on the collision points -I have been created: an API for the dynamic objects description, an OpenGL scene viewer and a RenderMan RIB scene generator with motion blur -The RenderMan RIB scenes have been rendered using 3Delight with motion blur -BulletPhysics btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm class has been modified to handle the collisions for non-convex triangle meshes The Larmor-Physx project is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License Google code project's page and source repository:
