nonameparty added MentalCore for Maya - Final Beta for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-12-03 13:36:17 UTC
MentalCore - Shading and Rendering System (more)
nonameparty added "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-12-03 13:32:24 UTC
This is a tool that will set up a customizable rig for a bipedal character (more)
nonameparty added "Rapid Rig: Poser" for Maya for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-12-03 13:31:24 UTC
A UI designed to enhance the animation pipeline of the "Rapid Rig: Advanced" (more)
nonameparty added poseLib for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-12-03 13:31:18 UTC
A script to record poses for your characters. (more)
nonameparty added ktUIDisplayLayer for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-12-03 13:31:10 UTC
extra wanted buttons on display layer (more)
nonameparty posted in move controls? in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-02 20:30:47 UTC
Thanks for the quick answer. It helps alot :) (more)
nonameparty posted in move controls? in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-02 19:49:01 UTC
I just moved the controls by selecting the control vertex. Does this cause any trouble? The pivots are still the same.. (more)
nonameparty posted in move controls? in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-02 19:42:55 UTC
Hi, is is possible to edit or scale some of the controls? I do hava e very fat character and most of the stuff is inside his body.Thanks, Dennis (more)