John Neumann
John Neumann posted in Maya 2012 in Quick Playblast for Maya Report 2012-05-07 00:49:39 UTC
I'll take a look at it. I'm no longer checking CreativeCrash because they continue to not upgrade their site to allow for comment tracking so any f... (more)
John Neumann posted in Which version of Maya are you using? in Quick Playblast for Maya Report 2011-06-28 17:07:37 UTC
I'm redoing a great deal of the script and I want to make sure that I cover all bases, but also get the most bang for my buck at the same time. So,... (more)
John Neumann submitted the file File Folder Watcher for Maya Report 2011-02-28 19:23:50 UTC
A way to run python scripts interactively from any device and get the feedback emailed to you. (more)
John Neumann reported a bug on "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-09-19 18:38:16 UTC
//CopyRight Dustin Nelson 2010. Please do not distribute<br />// . (more)
John Neumann added PM_heatWeight for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-09-13 05:56:08 UTC
Better default/auto weighting to a skeleton! (more)
John Neumann posted in 3d animation demoreel in WIP (works in progress) For Students Report 2010-09-13 05:50:19 UTC
:) Glad I was able to help and I totally understand the kid in a candy store analogy. I would LOVE to be able to check those rigs out (even just to... (more) -
John Neumann posted in 3d animation demoreel in WIP (works in progress) For Students Report 2010-09-12 01:56:01 UTC
First, if you're not an animation mentor student don't use their rigs. It's a sure way to not get hired. As far as the animation goes, your jugglin... (more) -
John Neumann posted in Attaching command to button in Qt Designer in Python Report 2010-09-05 22:03:02 UTC
No problem DrDardis. Glad I was able to help, albeit I would have like it if the tutorial would have been enough - I'll yell at the guy that wrote ... (more) -
John Neumann posted in RPG project in 3ds max General Report 2010-08-29 07:00:42 UTC
For free image editors, you can go with GIMP, GIMPShop (just GIMP, but with the Photshop look) or Paint.Net. The first two are open source, while p... (more) -
John Neumann posted in [Errno 13] permission denied in PM_heatWeight for Maya Report 2010-08-29 06:43:19 UTC
Hey I emailed you the files and it didn't get bounced back this time. :) Let me know if there are any issues or if I can be of any more help. :) (more)
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