This seems to be in the wrong board. This should be moved to MEL.Is this built for a specific scene, or are you wanting to use this on general scen... (more)
I have a script that is supposed to take non-zero rotations and combine them into the joint orient so a OrientJoint command can be applied to a joi... (more)
I am attempting to smooth the weighting between influences, as all vertices are currently either weighted to one joint or another. I am however ge... (more)
I get this error[code]No FBX preset file found# Error: RuntimeError: Too many children in layout: gridSettingsFL # [/code]After entering these comm... (more)
For some reason when I use my Paint Skin weights tool, the mesh does not go into a greyscale type shader. Instead, it goes to what looks like a st... (more)
Hi everyone,I'm not a new user but I figure this was probably a safe place to post this. I have somehow over the last two years managed to mess u... (more)
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