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Submit to Smedge from Nuke 1.0.0 for Nuke (nuke script)

Submit your scene to a Smedge render farm from inside the Nuke interface

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  • 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/10/2011
File Size: 6.45 KB


Smedge, Submit, nuke

This is a simple Python script to submit your Nuke project to a Smedge controlled render farm from directly inside of the Nuke interface. It will create a little interface to allow you to specify some of the details of the job, including the frame range, the write nodes to render, the priority and the packet size. 

To install the script, you will need to modify the path to the Smedge Submit.exe component application, near the top of the script file. For example, on Windows, the path may be something like "C:\Program Files\Smedge\Submit.exe". You can run the script manually, or you can modify your file to include something like the following to get it integrated into the Nuke interface menus:

m.addCommand("S&medge Render...", "SmedgeRender.SmedgeRender()", "^F5") 

If there is enough interest, I will continue to expand this script to add more features, like those available in the Maya submit script (like being able to download the Pools from the Master, etc.). Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any issues.

You can find more information about Smedge on its homepage:

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