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Video: Adobe’s ‘Content-Aware Fill’ Is Photoshop Magic
Magazine/News Software
Video: Adobe’s ‘Content-Aware Fill’ Is Photoshop Magic
CreativeCrash, added 2010-03-25 21:14:36 UTC 4,553 views  Rating:
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Bryan O'Neil Hughes shows off some rather eye-popping (if we may say so) technology for synthesizing texture inside a future version of Photoshop:

Adobe this week demonstrated a new trick called “Content-Aware Fill” in a future version of Photoshop, an effect that uses a complex mathematical algorithm to automagically fill in areas when users remove undesired content. In short: Mindblowing. Check it out yourself in the video above. If you’re short on time, skip to the 2:50 mark for the most impressive stuff.