What do I have to do to use exclusiveLightCheckBox with custom light node?
When doing
exclusiveLightCheckBox -light $myLight;
I get error of "Invalid light."
Feb '13
last reply
Mar '13
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- 1.5k
- 1
What do I have to do to use exclusiveLightCheckBox with custom light node?
When doing
exclusiveLightCheckBox -light $myLight;
I get error of "Invalid light."
Are you using the transform node and not the light's shape node? This is fairly important for it to work. Just for fun I had a go at doing it in python though; the power of that mel command is the fact that the light may be moved and reparented in the DAG and it will still work so I used the API to mimic that behaviour:
from maya import cmds
from maya import OpenMaya
class ExclusiveLightCheckBox(object):
def __init__(self, inLight, inLabel=None, inWidth=200):
self.light = inLight
if not inLabel:
self.label = inLight.fullPathName().rsplit('|')[-1]
self.width = inWidth
def getCheckBox(self):
print self.light.fullPathName()
if self.light.isValid():
cb = cmds.checkBox( label=self.label, width=self.width, ofc=self.exclude, onc=self.include )
#set default state
if 'defaultLightSet' in cmds.listConnections('%s.instObjGroups[0]'%self.light.fullPathName(), s=False):
cmds.checkBox(cb, e=True, v=True)
return cb
def exclude(self, e):
if self.light.isValid():
cmds.disconnectAttr('%s.instObjGroups[0]'%self.light.fullPathName(), 'defaultLightSet.dagSetMembers', na=True)
def include(self, e):
if self.light.isValid():
cmds.connectAttr('%s.instObjGroups[0]'%self.light.fullPathName(), 'defaultLightSet.dagSetMembers', na=True)
#create a light, get it's transform and then get the MDagPath
#so that light1.fullName keeps working when the light gets reparented
light = cmds.spotLight(coneAngle=45)
light = cmds.listRelatives( light, p=True, f=True )[0]
list = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
OpenMaya.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName(light, list)
lightPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
list.getDagPath(0, lightPath)
#create a window with the custom checkbox
w = cmds.window()
Thankyou Trevor. I ended up using regular checkBox - it seems to work, although I didn't try reparenting my lights.
Thanks for your code, I'll take a look when I get some time.
Here's my code if someone needs it:
global proc mfdlSwitchDefaultIllumination(string $nodeWithAttr)
string $connections[] = listConnections -p 1 (PlugToNode($nodeWithAttr) + ".instObjGroups[0]")
for($c in $connections) {
if(PlugToNode($c) == "defaultLightSet") {
disconnectAttr (PlugToNode($nodeWithAttr) + ".instObjGroups[0]") $c;
//no connection exists
connectAttr -nextAvailable (PlugToNode($nodeWithAttr) + ".instObjGroups") defaultLightSet.dagSetMembers;
global proc AEmfIlluminatesByDefault_New(string $nodeWithAttr)
setUITemplate -pst attributeEditorTemplate;
checkBox -label "Illuminates By Default" mfdlBreakDefaultLightLinkCheckBox;
setParent ..;
setUITemplate -ppt;
global proc AEmfIlluminatesByDefault_Replace (string $nodeWithAttr)
checkBox -e -cc ("mfdlSwitchDefaultIllumination " + $nodeWithAttr) mfdlBreakDefaultLightLinkCheckBox;
//check if connection exists
int $b_connectionExists = 0;
string $connections[] = listConnections -p 1 (PlugToNode($nodeWithAttr) + ".instObjGroups[0]")
for($c in $connections) {
if(PlugToNode($c) == "defaultLightSet") {
$b_connectionExists = 1;
checkBox -e -v $b_connectionExists mfdlBreakDefaultLightLinkCheckBox;
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