and it is great, because Maya takes care of refreshing vieport for it's nodes.
But what if I would like to draw sometking like a XYZ "cross" in lower left corner of the viewport?
Why would that make any difference? Just because its a node does not mean it can not do whatever you like during the refresh or be visible in whatever viewport you like only etc.
I see no reason (and i have tested this before) why you cant do this same drwaing within a shape node. The M3dView class is needed for you to draw stuff anyways.
but what is wise method to refresh this drawing?
Its a overlay it dont need to be refreshed in this way. Its not actually meant for overly presitent data anyhow. So no its not very wise to refresh it.
But if you must theres events for this stuff in MUiMessage such as MUiMessage::add3dViewPostRenderMsgCallback see the api example lensDistortionCallback
Be a bit carefull when you draw to overlays tough, since most consumer grad egraphics cards do NOT work right when drawing on the ovrelay. Which would mean that it wouldnt work out right on anything but nvidida quadros or ati fire GL cards anyway.
Can You explain, what drawing methods Qt provides?
About a few thousand I havent got time to read manuals for you, read the docs yourself first.
Anyway looks to me that you want to use: